To be used with the FESS squeeze bottle. Empty contents of one sachet of FESS Nasal & SInus Wash Extra Strength into the FESS squeeze bottle. Pour previously boiled luke warm water into the bottle to the line marked 'FULL'. Do not use boiling water. Screw cap onto the bottle and gently shake until powder dissolves. Lean or bend over a basin and place the cap gently inside the right nostril. Keeping your mouth open, gently squeeze the bottle using a pulsing action. Whenever the bottle needs to fill with air, remove the cap from the nose before you release your hand pressure. This prevents 'suck back' and helps to keep the remaining solution clean. Allow half the solution to wash through the nasal passages and sinus cavity and come out of the left nostril. Using the remaining solution, repeat this process in the left nostril. A small amount of the solution may enter your throat. This is not harmful. If necessary, blow your nose when you have finished. Discard any remaining solution you do not intend using within the next 2 hours. Wash the bottle cap, and tube thoroughly after each use and allow to drip dry. For best results use FESS Nasal and Sinus Wash Extra Strength Saline Wash Kit once or twice daily or as directed by your doctor or ENT specialist.