Whooping Cough Vaccination

Protect your whānau from whooping cough. Get vaccinated to shield yourself and loved ones from this highly contagious disease.

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About Whooping Cough and the Importance of Boostrix Vaccination

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly infectious disease that leads to severe coughing and breathing difficulties. It can be particularly dangerous for young babies, who are at higher risk of serious complications.

Why Boostrix is Important for Pregnant Women and Caregivers

Pregnant Women: Receiving the Boostrix vaccine during pregnancy provides crucial immunity that passes to the baby, helping protect them from whooping cough before they are old enough to receive their own vaccinations.
Caregivers and Close Contacts (e.g., Partners, Grandparents, Older Children): Family members and caregivers are often the source of whooping cough infections in infants. Keeping everyone up to date with Boostrix reduces the risk of spreading the illness to vulnerable newborns.

Vaccination Access
Eligibility for Funded Vaccine: Some individuals, including pregnant women, may be eligible for a funded Boostrix vaccine.


The whooping cough vaccination is free for some people from some pharmacies. Vaccination is free for:

  • Pregnant women aged 13 years and above from 16 weeks
  • All adults at 45 and 65 years of age as immunity reduces (same vaccine as the tetanus booster)

If you do not meet the above criteria then your Pharmacist is still able to vaccinate you against whooping cough if you are 18 years and older but as it is not funded you will have to pay.

Living Rewards members receive 10 Living Rewards points when they receive a Boostrix Vaccination.

Book now at your nearest pharmacy