Essential vitamins for a healthy you | Life Pharmacy

Our bodies require 13 essential vitamins to function normally. A healthy, balanced diet which combines all food groups in appropriate portions should equip us with these 13 essential vitamins, but we do not always eat as well as we should. Nothing can replace a healthy, balanced diet, but vitamins can help us to replace the nutrients we may not be getting through our food.  

Essential vitamins fall into two categories – water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins. If excessive amounts of water soluble vitamins (including vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, biotin and folate) are taken they pass through the body in urine, so can be consumed in good amounts. If excessive amounts of fat soluble vitamins (including vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K) are taken they are stored, so we need to be careful how much of these vitamins we consume.

Life Pharmacy stock a broad range of vitamins including vitaminprobioticsmultivitaminsmagnesiumfish oil and iron, to name just a few. Vitamins can provide you with support in areas like joint healthdetoxingcholesterol supportimmunitycrampstress and sleeping problems.  Our experienced staff can advise you on how to take vitamins to support your own lifestyle and needs. Visit Life Pharmacy for vitamins from leading brands including GO HealthyBlackmoresCliniciansGood Health and Nutra Life, plus many more.