• UNIQUE FORMULATION: It mimics the body's own extracellular fluid, so it is gentle and will not sting or burn delicate nasal and sinus tissues.
• Can be used 20 minutes prior to medicated nasal sprays to help clear mucus and improve their effectiveness.Flo Sinus Care is designed to be easy to use for self- administration·
1. Before use: Thoroughly wash the bottle, tube and cap in warm soapy water. Dry with a clean paper towel to make sure the bottle is clean and ready to use
2. Fill the bottle to the "Fill" line with lukewarm pre-boiled water (water should be boiled for at least 1 minute and then allowed to cool before use. Alternatively, pre-boiled water can be stored in a clean container in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours and reheated to lukewarm using 10 second bursts in a microwave oven).
3. Add the contents of one Flo sachet into the bottle. Ensure the tube and cap are assembled and then screw the cap firmly onto the bottle. Place your finger over the top of the cap and shake for 30 seconds or until all the powder has dissolved. Once dissolved, use the mixture immediately.
4. Standing over a basin or in the shower, lean forward and tilt your head so that your chin is as close as
possible to your chest.
5. Insert the tip of the cap gently into one nostril. Whilst breathing through your mouth, gently squeeze the bottle until the solution drains from the opposite nostril or your mouth. Repeat until approximately half of the solution has been used. Then repeat in the other nostril with the remaining half of the solution.
6. Gently blow your nose to clear excess fluid and mucus. DO NOT blow your nose if you have recently had nusal or sinus surgery unless your surgeon recommends it.
After using Flo Sinus Care
Discard any remaining fluid, and wash the bottle, tube and cap in soapy water. Rinse well and then dry with a clean paper towel. Wipe the bottle and its components using a clean paper towel wetted with isopropyl alcohol (available from your local pharmacy). This helps to remove any remaining moisture and unwanted bacteria. Reassemble the bottle and store in the refrigerator until next use