BioCeuticals UltraClean Omega for Juniors Capsules 60s (PHARMACIST ONLY)

SKU: 11172221

In-store pricing may vary by store. UltraClean OmegaFactors is a specific combination of concentrated omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and iodine support healthy growth and development

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  • This is a practitioner only medicine. A pharmacist may contact you to determine your therapeutic need before your order can be accepted.

    UltraClean OmegaFactors is a specific combination of concentrated omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and iodine support healthy growth and development in children. Vitamin D supports healthy immune system function and bone growth in children.

  • Suitable for children aged 1-12 years

  • Omega-3, vitamin D and iodine support healthy growth and development.Iodine and omega-3 support healthy brain function.Vitamin D supports healthy immune system function.Vitamin D also supports healthy bone development.Omega-3 supports brain function, healthy eye development and central nervous system development, as well as supporting general health and wellbeing.Orange and berry flavoured burstable capsule.Children unable to chew: Pierce the capsule, squeeze the content into milk, juice or cereal and consume immediately.

    Children 1-12 years: Chew (do not swallow whole) 1 capsule once a day, or as professionally prescribed.

  • Each chewable capsule contains:
    Concentrated omega-3 triglycerides - fish 526 mg
    Containing omega-3 marine triglycerides
    315 mg as:
    Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
    189 mg
    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
    126 mg
    Retinol palmitate 112.2 micrograms
    equiv. to vitamin A
    61.2 micrograms retinol equivalents
    Potassium iodide 40 micrograms
    equiv. to iodine
    30.6 micrograms
    Colecalciferol (vitamin D3) 5 micrograms
    equiv. to vitamin D
    200 IU

  • This product has a purchase limit of 1. If the limit is 0, there is no restriction on the quantity you can purchase.

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