ApneaRx Sleep Apnea & Snoring Device

SKU: 20011705

In-store pricing may vary by store. Mandibular advancement device designed to treat the symptoms associated with mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring

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$200.00 $259.99
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  • ApneaRx is a clinically proven oral appliance that alleviates sleep apnea and its symptoms. It is the only affordable boil and bite device that can adjust the lower jaw forward in 1mm increments up to 10mm, just like a custom oral appliance. The device does not use moving parts such as screws nor plastic straps to achieve an open airway. Its patented design gently holds the lower jaw in a slightly forward position to open the airway. This technology is called mandibular repositioning and is proven to achieve positive results by allowing more air to flow freely during sleep. Key features are:
    Advanced design: ApneaRx does not use any screws, springs, rods, rubber bands, or torsion to adjust or maintain jaw advancement.

    Micro-fit: easy to read 1mm increments advancement delivers maximum clinical efficacy. Posi-lock: jaw advancement mechanism can be set and relocked at any time.

    Comfort -fit: within minutes, ApneaRx is thermal moulded to the user's mouth for a same day Custom fit.

    V-Flow: assures full air flow and device alignment for stability and better fit.

    ApneaRx helps eliminate daytime drowsiness, stops and prevents that tired feeling all the time, and most importantly provides you with a good night’s rest. Try ApneaRx now.

  • Medical grade co-polymer

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