Warfarin Monitoring Service

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If your Doctor has prescribed Warfarin, you will need to have regular blood tests.

If your Doctor has prescribed Warfarin to slow your blood clotting, you will need to have regular blood tests to measure your blood clotting rate and to make sure that you are taking the right dose of Warfarin.

Some Life Pharmacy stores offer this service, officially called the Community Pharmacy Anticoagulant Management Service (CPAMS). In a private area, a trained Pharmacist will take a small finger prick blood sample, process it through a specialised machine, and the results will be entered into a computer programme to provide you with a dose of Warfarin just for you.

Our Life Pharmacist will discuss the result and possible dose changes of Warfarin with you, and will include some handy hints and tips for you to consider when taking Warfarin.

Your blood test results and the dose of Warfarin you should be taking as a result of the blood test will also be sent to your Doctor, so that your Doctor can supervise your treatment and make sure your record is always up to date.

Please speak to your Doctor if you would like to be referred to a Life Pharmacy providing the Warfarin Monitoring Service in your area.