Packaging that makes it easier for you to take your medicines

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At Life Pharmacy we can help you choose the right packaging for your medicines.

Do you find you sometimes forget to take your medicines?  Or find it hard to open pill bottles or read their labels? Are you worried about a member of your family who may be finding it hard to keep track of what to take and when to take it?  Do you have children who need to take medication to school sometimes?  

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then at Life Pharmacy we can help you choose the right packaging for your medicines.

Your Pharmacist can talk to you about whether separating your medicines by day and time into a medicine pack may help. Your tablets and capsules are put into a convenient, safe and reliable medicine pack instead of bottles and boxes, and the packs are labelled with the time and day to take each medicine.

Come in to Life Pharmacy to find out more about the handy packaging that can help you to remember to take the right medicine at the right time at the right dose.