Five things you need to know about Vitamin C Serums

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Vitamin C has long been known for its health properties that are beneficial to our immune system (think orange flavoured tablets to ward off winter ills and chills.)

Not only is Vitamin C powerful for our bodies, Vitamin C in skincare is one of the most potent and versatile antioxidants that helps to fight free radicals. If you’re looking to address the signs of aging or want that natural glow, a Vitamin C serum will brighten skin, fade hyper-pigmentation, increase the production of collagen and fight against signs of dull and aged skin.

With so many benefits and the ability to address multiple issues, it’s easy to see why Vitamin C serums are hailed as a key step to any skin care regime. But before you go out and buy one, here are 5 things you need to know about Vitamin C serums:

  1. Ingredients:

Vitamin C in skincare comes in many forms, however

the most popular and widely used is Ascorbic Acid (also L-Ascorbic Acid). Don’t let the Acid put you off; most Vitamin C Serums have Ascorbic Acid with a mild pH level of 3.5. If your skin is very sensitive, maybe try formulas that are gentler on the skin. Just remember, the results from these alternative formulas will take longer to see.

  1. Potency

When choosing a Vitamin C serum, the potency percentage combined with the acid type is important to take into consideration. Most brands will list the percentage of Vitamin C formulated within the serum. Be wary of expensive serums that do not list the percentage.

  1. Oxidisation

One of the most important things to know before you invest in a Vitamin C serum, is that they are more delicate than other serums, and are sensitive to air and light. This means that if your fancy new serum comes in a clear glass bottle, you can kiss your hard-earned cash goodbye. Any prolonged exposure to light and air will oxidise your serum into a brown sticky liquid which will make all the skin benefits redundant. As such, select a serum that comes in an air tight container — either a pump dispenser or a glass dropper, making sure any glass bottles are coloured. If you’re super conscious, keep your serum in the fridge to avoid any humidity.

  1. Expiry date

Expiry dates on skin care are there for a reason! The nature of ingredients in Vitamin C serums are stabilised and balanced at the correct pH levels to absorb into your skin and effectively leave you with glowing and even-toned skin. This makes taking note of any shelf life dates important, as the

L-Ascorbic Acid may do more harm than good if past it’s use by date. Look to replace your serum roughly every 3 months.

  1. SPF

One of the single most important skin care steps is using a broad-spectrum SPF, every day, all year round, to protect against the harsh UVA/UVB light. When adopting a Vitamin C serum into your morning ritual, it’s especially important to follow this final step to protect your skin as these serums are loaded with potent ingredients.