5 Ways To Practice Self Love

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Being loved, supported and valued is crucial to our survival as part of our intrinsic needs and sense of belonging. This is why we rely on the experience of giving and receiving love from others. But one of the most empowering and sustainable ways of giving and receiving love is to send it to ourselves.

Unconditional self-love builds through expressing thoughts, feelings and actions to show ourselves respect, acceptance, forgiveness, kindness and gratitude all grounded in a holistic, positive outlook, even when the going gets tough.

Take the power back by practising 5 ways to love yourself!

1. Nourish yourself


When your love gaze turns inwards, prioritising and investing in health and making positive life choices is an easy next step. Our bodies crave nutrition above all else and when we develop a deep connection and love for our bodies, we listen to those cravings to fuel our mind, body and spirit.

This Valentine’s Day is the ideal time to create a new morning smoothie routine bursting with your favourite protein powder, nuts and seeds, fresh leafy green vegetables, avocado, cacao and fruit. Packed full of fibre, omega oils and essential vitamins and minerals, this elixir will ensure you slay the day, every day. Try adding MOSS beauty protein powders into your breakfast routine!

Or bolster health and immunity by starting the day with a multivitamin or immunity booster, and ending each day with magnesium for a healthy, restful sleep (which also has the added benefit of turning off those pesky mid-afternoon chocolate cravings!).

2. Pamper

While Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday this leap year February, setting aside any evening each week to deeply pamper and nurture your skin is #2020goals. Not only will it set in motion your skin’s natural healing abilities (it takes just 28 days to transform skin!), while skin masks do their handiwork and nail polish sets, you’re able to take time to deeply relax… because you’re not going anywhere with those things curing!

There are so many face masks to choose from - collagen boosts, vitamin C, manuka honey and deep hydration formulas - but kicking off the year by removing impurities like sunscreen with a pore cleansing charcoal mask is an ideal way to start. Make the most of being couch-bound by touching up the toosties with an at home pedicure and polish, and complete your pamper with a nourishing moisturiser and serum. While your skin will definitely notice, the ultimate benefit is taking time out for you. So whether you whip up a homemade avocado skin mask or purchase one ready made, the effect will be the same; a happier, healthier you.

3. Open your mind

One of the most potent ways to ground and connect with yourself is to create a set of values to live by. It could be a set of simple words - such as kindness, authenticity, joy and abundance - through to affirmations to recite when you wake, barefoot in the garden or after some deep yogic belly breathing, or before going to sleep at night to inspire and elevate you even if you feel down in the dumps. 

Positive affirmations affirm what we think about ourselves and the world, which translates into how we feel and the actions we then take; phrases like “I love myself”, “I am abundant”, and “Today is a perfect day”. They have the power to strengthen our focus and enable us to manifest what we want in life by rewiring neuron clusters in our brains as well as releasing feel good hormones into our bodies. 

And while it may seem trite, being grateful for what we do have takes focus on what we don’t. Focussing on the positive - even when we don’t feel it - is shown to elevate our sense of security and wellbeing. It can be as simple as turning boring tasks into a positive. So instead of “I had to go to work today”, go full gratitude with: “I’m grateful I had a job to go to today that pays for my abundant life”. 

4. Go solo

There’s nothing like a summery Friday to inspire heading out for adventure, and why not enjoy your own company and fly solo? A day or evening experience doesn’t need to be wedded to eating dinner alone - although that’s a fab idea if you’re game. There’s a world of fun and invigorating experience that can be enjoyed solo, and here are a few ideas to inspire.

  • Go on a bush walk near your city or town
  • Enjoy brunch and a book el fresco
  • Join a group and go ziplining
  • Hire a paddleboard, surf board, kayak or wind surfer or grab a lesson while the weather’s balmy
  • Try SUP yoga for the first time
  • Join a group for fun outdoor activities with new people
  • Pack a small lunch or dinner picnic and head to a beach, lake, waterfall or river
  • Find a local Friday yoga class or crystal bowl sound bath class to relax after a busy week
  • Indulge in a candle lit bath
  • Join a beach clean-up or native planting day
  • Let your hips swing at a five rhythms dance session
  • Hit the local art gallery or museum and discover something new
  • Watch sunset with a fish ‘n’ chips dinner (BYO tom sauce!)
  • Be a tourist in your own town and join an historic walking tour, like an Art Deco tour in Napier
  • Enjoy a wine or beer tasting at a winery or brewery you haven’t visited before
  • Live by water? Take a walk by the beach or boats and take in the views
  • Take your book and a picnic rug and chill at a local park
5. Spoil yourself!

woman-in-red-two-piece-bikini-lying-on-bed-beside-of-white-838787.jpgSometimes there’s nothing left to do other than pull out the wallet and treat yourself. Why wait for cupid to intervene and for someone else to give you chocolates, flowers or wine when you can buy your own? Here are our favourite, indulgent ideas that say “I love you” to you. 

  • Treat yourself to adorable new lingerie
  • Book in for a luxurious massage, spa treatment or flotation tank
  • Transform your locks with a fabulous cut and colour
  • Buy tickets to an upcoming gig or concert and countdown to the magic
  • Choose gorgeous, long lasting jewellery piece that reminds you that you love you forever
  • Buy yourself a new smart TV and settle into the couch for the first of many evenings of chill
  • Forget roses, make now the time to invest in an oversized plant and stunning planter
  • Book in professional makeup and blow wave then meet the girls for a Valentine’s evening catch up
  • Get yourself a lash lift or spray tan
  • Buy a new statement decor item like a lamp, rug, throw, neon light or artwork
  • Order an expensive bottle of “just because I can” champagne and toast to your happy future

The most important person in your life is you, so whether you’re single, in a relationship or it’s complicated, make time to celebrate you this February... because you’re worth it!

For indulgent pamper treats, get inspiration here.