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Getting a vaccination is easy and convenient at your local Life Pharmacy.

Are you thinking about ways to stay even healthier? At Life Pharmacy your Pharmacist is able to provide a number of vaccinations. Come in to a Life Pharmacy to ask about vaccinations that protect against influenza, also called the flu, whooping cough, meningococcal disease and shingles.

Some of our Pharmacists are trained vaccinators, and this makes getting a vaccination really convenient. With your permission, we send the vaccination details to your Doctor so your records will be always up to date.

Don’t assume you are immune and if you are pregnant, talk to your Pharmacist, Doctor or Midwife about the Flu vaccine as you are able to get this for FREE.

The Whooping cough vaccine is also available to pregnant women free of charge from 28 - 38 weeks, mainly from your Doctor but some Pharmacies are able to provide this funded vaccine to you as well. Ask your Pharmacist and they will be able to explain when you need to get the vaccine and if it is free for you or not.

It is also important to ensure that those close family members and siblings who will be around a baby are immunised against whooping cough. Charges may apply but ask your Pharmacist for further information. It is important to create a circle of protection for your baby.